
Dosisg6c 是一个全新且富有创新精神的珠宝品牌。品牌名称源于“dose”一词,寓意着每件作品都是经过精确测量的艺术品。我们以探索亚洲传统花丝工艺和精湛雕刻技术为荣,在当代设计中发扬亚洲工艺的魅力。

我们的旅程始于对珠宝工艺的复杂性和各种元素的完美平衡的深深着迷。就像配药一样,Dosisg6c 将不同的元素混合在一起,创造出令人陶醉的珠宝,这反映在处方名称“每剂量 40 克”中。

我们对品质的承诺坚定不移,就像经得起时间考验的陈年良药。Dosisg6c 不仅仅是一个珠宝品牌,更是我们努力保护古老工艺并踏上创新之旅的体现。


  • GBC 珠宝有限公司

    谢尔顿街 71-75 号


    伦敦, WC2H 9JQ

  • 富冠信有限公司


    广州 510000


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Material Analysis

   DOSISG6C is a jewelry brand committed to using the highest quality materials to craft our products. All of our jewelry is made from precious metals, pure natural gemstones, and diamonds, ensuring that your jewelry not only has a noble appearance but also has reliable quality and stable value.

We strictly adhere to international jewelry industry standards and ethical requirements, sourcing all of our materials from legally authorized channels and reputable suppliers. We take great care in understanding the origins of every gemstone and diamond, guaranteeing their authenticity and quality. In addition, we also incorporate other natural materials such as coral, seashells, and pearls.

We firmly believe that using natural materials to craft our products not only provides customers with the best quality and value, but also contributes to environmental protection and ecological balance. We recognize that only by adopting sustainable production methods and natural materials can we ensure the continued inheritance and development of the jewelry craft in the future.

At DOSISG6C, we believe in transparency and providing the best value for our customers. As the international gold market experiences fluctuations, we occasionally need to make price adjustments to ensure fair pricing and quality maintenance.

Thank you for your interest in DOSISG6C, and we look forward to providing you with the ultimate jewelry experience. If you have any questions about the materials or would like to learn more, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Our journey began with a deep fascination for the complexity of jewellery craftsmanship and the perfect balance of various elements. Just like preparing medicine, Dosisg6c blends different elements to create intoxicating pieces of jewellery, reflected in the prescription like names ‘40g Per Dose’. 

 Our commitment to quality is unwavering, much like a well-aged remedy that stands the test of time. Dosisg6c is more than just a jewellery brand, it's our endeavour to preserve an ancient craft and embark on an innovative adventure.